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Photovoltaic material performance in the Arizona sun

23 May 2012

Arizona is regularly selected for weathering testing of photovoltaic materials and modules owing to its dry, sunny climate. It is also one of the optimum locations for solar energy farming. In view of this, the next AMI international conf...


Malvern’s Viscotek HT-GPC drives polymer innovation with information rich ...

22 May 2012

From red carpet dresses made from recycled bottles to biodegradable packaging made from plants, innovations in polymer technology are everywhere, powered by new analytical systems that generate the detailed information needed to tailor pe...


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‘Global demand for emulsion polymers to exceed 13Mt in 2016’ report reveals

15 October 2012

Global demand for emulsion polymers is forecast to rise over 5%/yr to 13.3Mt (dry basis) in 2016. Advances will be fuelled by increased production of water-based paints, coatings and adhesives, which ...